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Jumping Off a Cliff

40620-1While I was in Madrid– sitting in the beautiful plazas– I read the most recent WGA Magazine WRITTEN BY.  There was a wonderful article about Ray Bradbury who was interviewed on his 90th Birthday.  He repeated one of his most famous quotes:  “You’ve got to jump off the cliff all the time and build your wings on the way down.”

Anyone who has heard me speak or who has read the articles on this site know I am always talking about characters taking a Leap of Faith in a story.  I have been a bit hesitant about making my own.

The cliff I am contemplating right now is moving to Europe to live and work for a year, possibly longer.  Serendipity has put several people in my path who have done just that–  They moved to a foreign country without a lot of pre-arranged work and they just made it happen.  They built their wings after taking a big leap of faith.  Each person said “just do it.”  And that is what I am going to do.  I will follow their inspiration.

Contrary to most of the stuff I post on this site– about writing and character or story analysis– I am going to start posting about this big leap off the cliff and the grand experiment of building my wings.  This is a formal declaration rather than the tentative “feelers”  I’ve been cautiously putting out.  It’s an exciting and scary time for me.  I will keep you posted!

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