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#MondayMusings – Saying Thank You to My Socks

Monday Musings

I am a fan of Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising.  Is she nuts, a bit obsessive, and takes things too far?  Absolutely!

But I do follow her general advice.  Take everything out of your closets and surroundings that isn’t affirming, isn’t beautiful, doesn’t make you feel beautiful, isn’t wonderfully useful, or doesn’t make you happy.

Appreciate what you have and be grateful.  She says to say thank your shoes and socks for helping you go where you need to go. Amen to that.

Clear your mind, make way for new projects, new ideas, new relationships and/or new beginnings.  Give yourself the space for reinvention.

There were so many things hanging in silent condemnation in my closet or resting with guilt and a sense of failure elsewhere.  Gifts I didn’t like from people I loved, clothes that were the size I wanted to be, bargain/sale mistakes (some very recent ill-advised purchases), and things that were out-of-date or not really my taste any more cluttered my life.  No more!

I have tidied up and it is indeed magic!  If anyone is interested, let me know and I will post pictures.



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